The MWFA are pleased to announce the female coaching scholarship. The MWFA have recognised the need to increase our female coaching pool from 12% to upwards of 20% over the next three years.
The announcement of the female coaching scholarship will be a key component to help us achieve this goal.
Two female coaches with a few years coaching experience will be selected for 2017/2018 to receive funding to attend the FFA C Licence at Cromer Park in October 2017, and also the Football NSW state conference at Valentines Park. Coaches can choose either the Youth C Licence or Senior C Licence course.
The dates for the C Licence are:
Part 1 6th, 7th and 8th October
Part 2 14th, 15th, 28th 29th October
All dates must be attended to complete the course.
The funding for the scholarship will be in two installments. 50% will be paid by the MWFA at the start of the course with the remaining 50% paid for by the coach or their respective club. Once tasks throughout 2018 are completed the remaining 50% will be reimbursed to the candidate.
Tasks to be completed will be:
Final Assessment of C Licence completed in 2018 (MWFA will help record the session and support you through the assessment)
Mentoring of female coaches at your respective club
Self-reflection sessions held with MWFA Coach Development Manager
Promotional articles & interviews on behalf of MWFA to promote female coaching
If you wish to apply for the female coaching scholarship please download the application document via the link at bottom of page. Completed application forms must be submitted before 5pm on the closing date of Friday 14th July.
Please submit your application form to the Coach Development Manager.