BTH previously brought you our 'Save of the Year' Competition... However it has proven a tad too hard to get the timing of the filming right of our classic saves (even though we are all professionals here).
So we're changing the rules!
2018 will see the return of the famous and successful Goal of the Year Competition.
Check out last years winner!
Immortalise your goals this year in our 2018 Goal of the Year Competition sponsored by Barber's Point Belrose. Make your goal extra special by sharing your video online with your Raider’s Family.

We want them all… Toe pokes, headers, volleys, flicks, scissor kicks, back heels, ricochet’s, overhead kicks, penalty kicks, chips and dips too.
Hand of God, free kicks, deflections and skids, banana, bicycle, long range, short range and of course all things strange… Yes we want to see them all.
Winners of the 2018 BTH Raiders Goal Of The Year will dribble away up to $500 worth of prizes
The competition is open to all or players from Under-6’s to Over-45’s. Goals must be scored in official 2018 Raiders matches wearing our 2018 kit. No training goals or staged performances allowed.
So roll the footage and take your game to the next level. This is definitely the only thing “viral” you want to get this season.