2021 GRADING DATES ANNOUNCEDBelrose-Terrey Hills RaidersJan 3, 20211 min readWith the 2021 season in preparation, please save the following dates for grading. These will apply to all teams W10 and U10 and above. More details to come on specific times for all the different age groups. #bthraiders #rockitlikearaider
With the 2021 season in preparation, please save the following dates for grading. These will apply to all teams W10 and U10 and above. More details to come on specific times for all the different age groups. #bthraiders #rockitlikearaider
Grading - Feb 4th, 9th, 11th, and 16th for U9-U18Please be aware of the following key 2024 season dates coming up: Grading U9 - U18 - 4th, 9th, 11th and 16th February Twilight - 8/3/2024...