NB: Friday field allocations have changed following our previous announcement. Council has now confirmed allocations.
First Session:
Sunday, 5th of February - WYATT OVAL
8am - U11
9am - U10
10:15am - U12
11:30am - U16
Friday, 10th of February - TERREY HILLS OVAL
6pm - U13 and U14
7pm - W12, W13, and W14
Second Session:
Sunday, 12th of February - WYATT OVAL
8am - U13
9am - U10 and U11
10:15am - U12
11:30am - U15 and U16
Friday, 17th of February - TERREY HILLS OVAL
6pm - W12 & W13
Please note that the time of your second session may be subject to change after your first session. Please keep your Friday and Sunday free that week.