It is important as a club that we stick together and follow the rules.
Dear Registered MWFA Players,
I hope you’re enjoying being back on the football field. It has been fantastic to see football players back playing football.
It is up to us to make sure we stay on the field.
As you will have seen and heard the COVID-19 lockdown in Victoria and the Casula cluster has shifted the NSW Government’s comfort levels.
From this weekend, it is important that we note the following instructions from the NSW Government, and take them seriously:
1. Take all reasonable steps to minimise the number of spectators attending community sport events. Spectators should be restricted to essential people only.
o For junior games that means, where possible, that only one parent/guardian should accompany each junior player.
o For senior games, that means limiting spectators to essential people only. Senior matches should take place with minimal spectators.
2. Players and officials who have visited Victoria (including spectators) are not permitted to play, train or attend matches for 14 days after leaving Victoria, and should be encouraged to get tested for COVID-19
3. Players and officials (including spectators) who have attended any of the reported case locations listed on the NSW Health website ( are not permitted to play, train or attend matches for 14 days, and should be encouraged to get tested for COVID-19
We need to take particular attention to the 1st point around spectators at fields, as the congregation of spectators at fields is the main issue that could see the NSW Government retract its approval of community sport continuing.
We are particularly concerned about the number of spectators who are attending Men’s Premier League, AL1 and U18/1 matches and making no attempt to maintain social distancing (1.5m apart).
If it looks likely that spectators attending these games will put the football matches of all 18,000 players in jeopardy, we will SUSPEND THE MEN’S PREMIER LEAGUE, AL1 and BOYS U18/1 COMPETITIONS
There are no other changes to how we play and conduct the matches, but please remember the following, which have been well respected to this point and will ensure that community football can continue to operate:
• Wash and/or sanitize hands before and after attending all training and games.
• Players arrive dressed and ready to train or play
• Do not use changerooms
• Players and parents must comply with the 1.5m social distancing rule (except for players during games)
• Do not shake hands, high five or hug other players, officials, team officials or parents
• Do not share drink bottles
• Limit the number of spectators that accompany you to training and games
• Spectators must comply with the 1.5m social distancing rule at all times unless from the same household
• Avoid bringing anyone who is elderly or may be at high or increased risk of illness
• Do not attend if you have flu like symptoms or are feeling unwell
• All participants and parents must cover their coughs and sneezes
• Players and parents must not socialise or assemble in groups before, during or after training or games
• Once training and games are finished depart the venue as soon as possible
• Get tested for COVID-19 if you develop flu like symptoms
Good luck and I hope you enjoy your football this weekend.
Remember to maintain social distancing and remain COVID-Safe.
David Mason