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Twilight Soccer - new dates

Belrose-Terrey Hills Raiders

BTH Raiders Twilight Soccer is a series of mini games for Sub Junior players from U6 - U9


Twilight Soccer

Friday 13 March & Friday 20 March Wyatt Oval

5.00pm - 7.00pm

U6 and U7 teams play 5.00pm - 6.00pm

U8 and U9 teams play 6.00pm - 7.00pm

ATTIRE: Any gear including shin pads and footwear

The canteen will be open for food.

Playing Socks and Playing Shorts will be available to purchase on the night. If you ordered these at the time of registration or from our shop, they will be available for pickup between 5.00pm - 7.00pm. We will also have some BTH caps, BTH beanies, BTH Stubby holders and BTH Flags for purchase.

Adults - don't forget to bring some refreshments - it's Friday!

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